Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment and Beyond


Guiding Sustainable Development 

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a pivotal tool in assessing the environmental and social impacts of development interventions at the project level. This systematic and step-by-step assessment process is designed to identify potential environmental and social impacts before the implementation of a development project. It culminates in the proposal of an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) that aims to mitigate and manage these impacts. In Bangladesh, the legal basis for EIA is provided by the Environmental Conservation Rules (1997) and the revised Environmental Policy (2018).


Our Expertise

  • In-Depth Understanding: Our experts possess an in-depth understanding of physical, social, economic, and ecological systems and functions. We draw upon this knowledge to conduct comprehensive assessments.
  • Environmental Instruments: We work with a range of environmental instruments, including EIA, Disaster Impact Assessment (DIA), and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), each serving a unique purpose and scale.


EIA: Project-Level Assessment

  • Identifying Impacts: EIA focuses on project-level impact assessments, identifying likely environmental and social impacts prior to project implementation.
  • Environmental Management: We develop Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) to mitigate and manage identified impacts, ensuring that projects align with sustainability principles.


DIA: Sector-Level Resilience

  • Sector-Level Assessment: DIA assesses disaster and climate change impacts on sectors (e.g., agriculture, industry), examining their influence on project interventions.
  • Addressing Vulnerabilities: Our assessments also evaluate how proposed projects may exacerbate existing disaster and climate change scenarios, contributing to resilience-building strategies.


SEA: Top-Level Decision-Making

  • Policy, Program, and Plan Assessment: SEA is a top-level decision-making instrument that examines the environmental and social impacts of policies, programs, and plans (PPPs).
  • Guiding Sustainable Policies: We provide insights and recommendations that inform sustainable policies and strategies at the highest level.


Partnering for Sustainability

Science Connect’s experts offer a range of services related to environmental impact assessment and associated instruments. We are dedicated to guiding sustainable development through our expertise and knowledge.


Join Us in Shaping a Sustainable Future

Science Connect invites you to join us in our mission to guide sustainable development through rigorous assessments and informed decision-making. Explore our services, engage with our experts, and be a part of our efforts to shape a more sustainable future. [Learn About Our EIA Services]

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