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Science Connect Ltd. is a Center of Excellence for conducting research on environment and development, providing professional services in a number of fields such as terrestrial environment, water resources, forest and ecology, ecosystem services, agriculture, fisheries, power, energy and climate change.

Science Connect Ltd. uses state-of-the-art technologies namely geo-informatics that includes GIS and space and air-borne technologies, apply information technology, modeling and capable of employing social-science research techniques and tools. It works both independently and in collaboration with the national and international academic and research institutions, Government and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) of the country.

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Nandini Sanyal

The journey of mankind had never been smooth during the evolutionary process – the struggle against wild nature for survival, strives for necessary food production, settling disputes among people/societies... Read More

Kamruzzaman Nayem

Managing Director
Challenge management has become regular activities for local communities, national governments and international agencies for overcoming existing crisis and at the same time plan for future progress... Read More

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Bangladesh's agricultural landscape is undergoing significant transformations due to climate change, posing big challenges to farmers and food security. This study explores a complex web of challenges faced by the agricultural sector of Bangladesh, especially from flood impacts, which highlights the direct linkages between climate change, agricultural productivity, and the socio-economic well-being of farmers. The marginalized communities, particularly women who form a substantial part of the agricultural labor force, bear a disproportionate burden. The study examined the efforts of Oxfam, collaborating with partners to implement Climate Risk Insurance (CRI) projects in district Kurigram. The CRI initiatives aim not only to enhance the disaster resilience of farmers but also to bring climate justice by ensuring food security in underdeveloped regions. The findings shed light on diverse aspects of the CRI programs and emphasizing the multifaceted challenges and opportunities in the context of agricultural landscape of the country. The study shows that women were the main beneficiaries of CRI with limited literacy, and modest income levels. Livelihood challenges faced by vulnerable groups, such as those without significant agricultural land or engaged in occupations like fishing, underscore the need for targeted interventions.

Climate change is considered as the existential threat in contemporary times, and this is one of the major challenges for global community. The communities suffering from the climate change impacts are not only responsible for emission of GHG that caused the crises, but they are the people who suffer from the burnt - this is highly injustice and immoral situation. Besides, the rights of the people to decent shelter, food, safe water, decent jobs, health services are undermined for a number of climate change induced reasons that make the adaptation processes of people ineffective. These justice and rights issues in relation to climate change are complicated to conceptualize and challenging to define scopes for programme design and implementation for both government and non-government agencies. In this background contexts (CJNRR) programme of Oxfam aims to assess the current situations leading to develop a baseline scenario so that programmatic activities can be performed to address/raise the climate justice and natural resource rights related issues and be presented in different for a for appropriate change. The Science Connect and their team highlight how the task has been conceptualized and how the work will be caried out (methodology) and will provide indications about the tentative results.

Climate change impact trajectories (especially when salinity, Sea Level Rise and ocean acidification issues are concerned) are long term and without proper reading of deep-rooted, enduring cause-effect assessment the impact scenarios cannot be understood properly. Lack of scale-specific, long-term, updated data is a major hindrance in this regard, as indicated earlier. Researchers, in Bangladesh, generally perform short term impact assessments, especially focusing on rapid onslaught disasters; slow-onset disasters are generally do not receive serious attention. Appropriate investigation methods are needed for getting a comprehensive understanding which could be done by taking all necessary elements and dimensions into account. The Systems-Thinking Approach and Planetary Health (One Health) approach would play vital roles in this regard. In this study, community-based adaptation plans will be recommended by gathering and analyzing relevant data. The data collection activities have almost been done, some results are presented in this interim report and complete set of data with results and recommendations will be provided in the Draft Final report. It is expected that the results of the research that will be reflected in the draft final report will help to provide community-based adaptation plan for water-food-health nexus for the south-western coastal areas of Bangladesh which will be pragmatic for current contexts.

The Climate Innovation Challenge (CIC) financed by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) of the Government of UK (earlier called as DFID) through the World Bank's PARCC Trust Fund, support innovation challenges across SAR countries that will crowd source innovative and disruptive technology solutions for resilience through grant awards, matchmaking and pilot-testing. The CIC aims to facilitate innovative solutions for their application and scale-up across different sectors, and tiers (national, sub-national and local/community) for greater impact. Science Connect Ltd. from Bangladesh and Action Nepal from Nepal in association with Asian Institute of Technology (AIT, Thailand) has won project from this fund through a highly competitive bidding/evaluation. The title for which this consortium secured the funding is 'Climate Resilient Infrastructure for Social Transformation and Adaptation (CRISTA). The project will be implemented in Monohordi Upazila of Narshingdi District. The project in Bangladesh will aim to develop innovative actions backed by the state-of-the-art science data and techniques to develop a resilient power supply system, specially at local levels. The local government agency and local people/stakeholder will be actively engaged in the implementation of the project.

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According to UNEP, in the early 2000s, the amount of plastic waste we generated rose more in a single decade than it had in the previous 40 years.


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